Here at Central National Bank, we are devoted to keeping our branches clean and accessible for our customers. We are implementing additional cleaning procedures to ensure that we have employees available to answer your questions and we can do so safely. With COVID-19 in mind, we’ve pulled together a list of tips to keep you and your loved ones safe from germs and pathogens.
Wash your hands
While this may seem like a no-brainer to some, on average only a third of people who use public restrooms wash their hands. This information comes from a Forbes study and trust us, we were as grossed out to see this information as you are. Hand washing is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of the virus and keep other germs away.
Avoid touching your face
This is really hard. You don’t really notice how often you touch your face, until you actively try not to. Not touching your face is important because the virus can be transported from your hands to your face where it then enters your body. Be aware of what you’re coming into contact with and make sure to keep your hands clean!
Practice social distancing
You should also be leaving about six feet of space between you and others when not at home. Limiting contact with others limits the ability for the virus to spread and will help ensure less overpopulation in hospitals.
Wash your hands correctly
Washing your hands is so important, we had to put it twice. Just running your hands under water isn’t washing them. Use soap and warm water and wash for approximately 20 seconds. And make sure to get under your nails. If you can’t get to a sink or don’t have soap available, hand sanitizer is the next best thing, but not a substitute for the real deal.
Wear a mask
Another way to limit the spread is by wearing a mask in public. There are lots of tutorials available online for making your own mask now that it is hard to purchase supplies like this. Avoid crowds and any nonessential travel.
Stay home if you’re sick
If your illness is mild, limit all contact with others. Even if you’re pretty sure it’s a cold or something minor. Don’t take chances. If you need to see a healthcare professional, call ahead first. If co-living with others, limit yourself to one room if possible. And try to avoid sharing a bathroom with family members. The CDC also has a guide on how to take care of a COVID patient in your home which may be useful! Click here to read the guide!
Stay safe and stay healthy. We know times are tough but don’t lose hope. Monitor any and all symptoms. And remember, wash your hands.