It’s National Trivia Day! We put together a short Central National Bank trivia quiz for you. Do you need to brush up on your CNB knowledge or are you an expert? Take the quiz, then comment on this post with the reason why you love Central National Bank to be entered in our giveaway drawing to win a CNB t-shirt. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Drawing will be held at the end of the month. Good luck!

Trivia Day Giveaway!
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One thought on “Trivia Day Giveaway!

  • January 16, 2018 at 1:18 pm

    Being a Kansas lover, I chose CNB because it was established in Kansas! My folks had an account there in Topeka in 1949 and CNB gave me a baby book! I like the fact that it has never changed the name of the bank or sold to a big company. You handled my car loan so fast and with such a low interest rate. I have been very pleased with your services.


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