pile of coupons and a pair of scissors

I’m sure we have all heard of “Extreme Couponers” and how crazy good they are at saving money. If you have ever thought to yourself “Man, I should really get into that couponing business” but you aren’t entirely sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Stick around and I’ll fill you in on the tips and tricks of the couponing world!

Know Where to Find Coupons

This is probably the most important thing if you are wanting to start couponing. Coupons can be found in the Sunday edition of most newspapers, your favorite providers mobile app, or you can find them on coupon databases. These databases are websites where tons of coupons aggregate into one place, making it easier for you to find them. Once you find the coupons you want to use, you can either print them out or have them scanned at the store.

Read the Fine Print

Reading the fine print on coupons is very important so you don’t miss an important detail. Make sure you check all the redemption requirements, like the size of bottle of pop you need in order to use the coupon, if there is a limit on how many coupons you can use for one product, and when the coupon expires. The small details really do matter in the couponing world.

What Are Your Store’s Rules

Every store’s policy on coupons is different. So, make sure that you know your store’s rules regarding couponing. Some of the things you should look for are:

  1. Can you double a coupon?
  2. Is this coupon only available for online orders?
  3. Do you need to be part of a rewards program in order to use the coupon?

To find your store’s policies you can go online or ask in person. Once you figure these rules out, it will make things much easier, and you can start to figure out their sales cycle.

Always Make A Shopping List

When you use a shopping list while couponing, it makes it that much easier. You know which items you can get on sale, and it keeps you organized. You can just go aisle by aisle and check off the items you were looking for that correspond to a coupon that you have. Having a shopping list also keeps you accountable for what you came to the store for, so it saves you money in multiple ways.

Be Strategic

Coupons should be used in a very strategic way so that you can maximize your savings in the long run. So, if you find a coupon, don’t use it right away. Instead, look for sales at your store that you can combine it with. For example, baking supplies will go on sale near the holidays. So, if you find a coupon in October for a sheet pan, save it until your store has a sale.

 Track Your Savings

This is an important part of couponing world. Specifically, so that you can see if the amount you are saving is worth the effort, you’re putting into it. Now, the amount of time and effort you put into tracking your return relies solely upon you. Some people have spreadsheets, others use scratch paper and pen, and some just bring a calculator to the store. If you want to start using a spreadsheet to track your savings, all you have to do it look up “coupon spreadsheet” in an internet search because serious couponers have already made them.

Now, how serious you decide to take couponing is up to you. You can use a coupon as soon as you see it, or you can save it. You can look up other strategies that are used when couponing to maximize on your savings. Couponing is a “the world is your oyster” type of scenario.

Happy trails and happy couponing!

Couponing Tips for Beginners
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One thought on “Couponing Tips for Beginners

  • October 12, 2023 at 11:35 am

    great tips! thank you!


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