Summer jobs advertisement in newspaper

With summer coming up, I thought I would take the chance to talk about something that may help you have a pretty great break. Now, when I first tell you my idea you’re going to think that I am a lunatic! Trust me, I haven’t been clinically diagnosed so you are okay.

All jokes aside, let’s get real about summer jobs. I know, how can a job be fun? With everything in life, you make it what it is. I was a part-time worker last summer and I had some pretty cool experiences. That’s what jobs are for in your teenage years: experience. All of the knowledge you get from your first few jobs can be applied to experiences you have throughout the rest of your life.

And practice interviewing can help guide you in your future endeavors. After that first interview, your nerves should calm down a little bit. My first interview was terrifying and I was so nervous. When I get nervous, I tend to tell jokes to try and calm myself down. Luckily for me, it helped and eventually landed me the job. Actually, I interviewed for this job, I got nervous and told a few jokes and my boss got to see a little bit of my personality! So, don’t be deterred from the job world because you think you have to be straight-laced. On the other hand, keep the jokes clean and try not to be nervous about messing up, everything is a learning curve.

Another perk of having a summer job is that you can start to build your resume. You can fill up that resume with the skills you obtained at your previous job as well as volunteer hours you have earned. Your resume can be useful when applying to future jobs and you can also rack up a whole host of people you can use as references.

Now, another fear people have about getting a job in the summer is that you won’t have time to do what you want. This means that you will typically have a shift with specific hours and days that you are assigned to. I had a shift schedule of working three to four days during the week for four to eight hour shifts. This still gave me time to hang out with my friends and go on vacation.

One big plus to having a summer job is that you will be making your own money! Think of all the fun you can have with the money you earned from working. You can go on shopping trips with friends, get ice cream, pay for your own gas, etc. From experience, I know that the first purchase you make with money that YOU earned is one of the best experiences.

Saving your hard-earned money is another way you can capitalize on your summer job. There is so much you can save for as a teenager! Whether it be for a car, a pair of jeans that you want, gas, or even college, getting a summer job will help tremendously. Now, you don’t have to put your whole paycheck into your savings, but putting in a chunk certainly helps. For example, if I got a paycheck for $350, I would put about $150-$200 of that paycheck into savings. Over time, that money adds up!

After earning all that money, it may be a smart idea, if you haven’t already, to open up a savings and/or checking account. At Central National Bank, we offer a Central Youth Savings and a Central Advantage account where you can safely store and easily access your money. It is also a good idea to start making a budget for your hard-earned money. The practice of making a budget can help prepare you for adult life when a budget is very important.

I bet you didn’t see all the opportunities that come with having a job over break. They are endless! Who knows, maybe you can even keep a job through the school year and get even more job experience and money. While having a job may not seem like the best way to spend your summer break, you can make memories, gain experience, and also make lifelong friends. Who knows, you could even get a job with your best friend, that’s what I did with my first job. Now, don’t be shy, get out there and look for a job to apply for. This year especially is a great year to be looking because everyone is hiring!

A Little About Me

Hello, my name is Reagan! I work at Central National Bank as a marketing assistant, while at Wichita State University. I love to write and this blog gives me a perfect excuse to do some of the things I love: help people, hang with some pretty cool folks, and write!

 I am part of Generation Z! I’m here to give some helpful insight to my fellow zoomers and discuss some topics my colleagues haven’t yet written about. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Check our website for openings or visit with your local branch to see if they know of any positions coming open soon.  Our part-time schedules vary. And BONUS!  We’re in lots of college towns so if you start out working at your hometown branch, it may be possible to transfer to another branch when you leave for college. Central National Bank is a proud supporter of promoting from within, so what may start as a part-time job could blossom into a full-time career!

helpful insight to my fellow zoomers and discuss some topics my colleagues haven’t yet written about. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Follow this link to open a Central Advantage or a Youth Savings account:

Follow this link to open a Central Value Checking account:

Mind Your Own Business: Teen Edition
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