If you’re on social media in the year 2021 you’re likely familiar with a recent trending lifestyle of millennials, specifically generations Y and Z. But if you’re not on social, or not following the hashtag trails to what’s popular, then let me help you out – it’s the RV or tiny-living lifestyle.
As a millennial myself, but on the older end of the spectrum, I do still remember a time when having a bigger house and stuff to fill it was considered better. Spending a Saturday in a shopping mall was the ultimate weekend activity. And accumulation of Beanie Babies was my only life goal.
Side note: I did dig through my plastic bin full of stuffed animals over the weekend to see if I could weed any out. But, somehow, even after Covid and the snow-pocalypse of 2021 I’m still holding out hope that the O.G. Spot will be worth more than $10 someday. Therefore all of my beanies are still stashed safely in their tub under the spare bed in case it actually happens.
Somehow young influencers have made it a thing to do “tiny-living” and it’s now a glamourous lifestyle. In fact, if I didn’t have to leave my Beanie Babies to do it I’d probably join them!
But what in the world does this have to do with RVs?!
There’s a whole generation letting go and experiencing the nomadic lifestyle via full-time camper living. Instead of a stationary trailer, people are purchasing a fifth wheel and hitting the road. And it’s not just millennials. RV and camper sales are on the rise because Boomers are retiring and hitting the open road, or Gen Xers are buying one for vacationing with their 2.5 kids and the Golden Retriever. But the millennials… the millennials have thrown caution to the wind. They’ve sold everything to live in parks (state, national and RV) for months or years at a time.
And how does that affect you? Or me for that matter?
It’s about the experience. Especially in these times where we’re still somewhat locked down and stuck at home due to a pandemic. Obviously your condition of lockdown depends on where you live, but the experience of seeing new places is a safer way to escape the trials of this life and no generation is immune to it.
But, “what does any of this philosophic mumbo-jumbo have to do with banking?”, you might ask. It’s simple: Tiny-living, or minimalist living, is the ultimate first-step toward building financial stability. At least it’s seen that way for the next generation. A couple can tie-the-knot and put a down-payment on a modest RV just as easily as a small starter home. Then, with endless opportunities to work from home and access high speed internet they can hold down a job while traveling the country. Some young families are even living this lifestyle with kids after owning a brick-and-mortar home for a few years. There is no time like the present, and you do not have to be a millennial or have an Instagram account to partake.
My hope for you, and me, is that we’ll try a new experience in 2021. Whether that’s buying an RV and traveling the country, or finally ditching the tub full of Beanie Babies in the basement, I hope that you’ll consider something new and exciting with me. Your goal might be to enjoy your golden years, make some summertime memories with your kiddos, or set yourself up with a lifestyle that’s sustainable so you can enjoy your own retirement someday.
If you do decide to hit the open road in a new or used RV I hope you’ll keep some of the Kansas and Nebraska sites in mind on your way out, or your way home. We’ve detailed a few of our favorite spots in our previous blog article: http://blog.centralnational.com/2020/08/10-last-minute-affordable-vacation-ideas/
Plus, don’t forget to consider our RV and Boat loan special while rates are good. There’s plenty of time to plan a summer vacation if you do!